The rise in rail transport recorded at Bologna Freight Village continued in February 2021.
Compared to the same period in 2020, trains increased by 39% and wagons by 33%.
An increase in train numbers of more than 40%, with peaks of up to 66%, has been present for more than half a year now.
Although February has fewer days than January, the number of trains and wagons increased by 15% and 33% respectively.
The cumulative figure for the first two months of the year is therefore positive, and the traffic data, which have always been considered a mirror of production trends, confirm this trend, especially on the railways.
On the road side too, positive values emerge (although to a much lesser extent) at a tendential level, compared to the same period last year (+2.3%), but the cumulative figure for the period January-February shows a negative sign (-2.4%), mainly due to the drop recorded last month due to the closure of activities for the Christmas holidays.
The full report can be viewed and downloaded here.