On the 26th November the final conference of the CAMARG Project (Cluster of innovative Zero-km Agrofood MARrketplaces for Growth) will be held at Emilia-Romagna Region premises in Brussels (Rue de Montoyer, 21) starting from 2 pm and will be opened to all participants, stakeholders, partners and all other supporting institutions interested in hearing about the Project’s main achievements now that the project has come to its conclusion.
The Project is financed by the European Interreg MED Programme and aims to encourage the matching between supply and demand of high-quality zero-km agri-food products giving support to clusters of small local producers of agri-food excellences in organising self-sustaining supply networks able to deliver daily, directly on your table, the selected food to the consumer locations.
Thanks to an improved and advanced web-based solution, producers will be enabled to finally overcome, at local scale, the hard market competition with the emerging mass retail business model.
During the Final Conference, CAMARG Partners will share the main project results and success cases about Pilot projects implemented in 4 different regions - Italy, Croatia, France and Spain and show opportunities and conditions for any possible and future exploitation of their service in other territories of the European MED area.
The agenda of the final conference:
To participate, write to dimarzio@ibinnovation.eu Tel. +39 051 2913042.