On Wednesday 12 June from 11.00 to 13.00 at the meeting room of the Palazzina Doganale Consorzio IB Innovation presented the CluCS platform (Cluster Community System) to potential users of the network in the Emila-Romagna region. The event was also attended by DBA Lab, the IT provider that is creating the platform, and Bluegreen, responsible for processing the business model.
The platform, developed within the Clusters 2.0 (www.clusters20.eu) project financed by the European programme Horizon 2020, allows to network different logistic and intermodal platforms through a software that allows an efficient and coordinated management of the supply chain activities. The project foresees that the platform will be initially tested in the rail and road connections between the Bologna Freight Village and other logistics nodes of the Emilia Romagna region, and then it will be extended to the Trieste area to form the so-called Cluster.
The event allowed to have a constructive confrontation with potential users of the platform to understand what they think, how it can be improved and applied on the market. The feedback was positive and the subjects involved were willing to collaborate for the future development of the platform.