On June 18th and 19th 2019 the 5th Meeting of the CAMARG Project (Clusters of innovative zero-km Agrofood MARketplaces for Growth) was held at the Agricultural Advisory Room of the Emilia Romagna Region headquarters situated in "Terza Torre (Politiche Agricole)" in Bologna, with the contribution of Confagricoltura Emilia Romagna, one of the Project Partners and the presence of the Project Officer of the Interreg MED European Programme.
The Project is financed by the European MED Programme and Consorzio IB Innovation, a spin-off of Interporto Bologna, has the role of Lead partner. With the aim of encouraging the matching between supply and demand of quality agrifood products at zero km, it aims to test and validate an advanced solution of e-commerce, adaptable to various contexts, starting from the regional ones of the area, with the perspective to ensure support to small producers in the territories of the MED area characterized by such excellent agrifood products.
Partners from the MED area of Italy, France, Spain and Croatia met to illustrate each other, after the first two years of the Project, the progress of the activities of their respective Pilot cases (the individual models of customized Platform in their territory) and make a first examination of the results achieved so far, sharing expertise and knowledge in view of the transnational dimension required by the same Project. During the meeting some aspects and processes related to the future modalities of transfer of the above results to other territorial realities in the MED area were also discussed and evaluated; this is an activity that will be running along the last months of the Project. The Project Officer closed the session of the second day of the meeting with a positive final evaluation of the work, stressing that CAMARG has the reasonable elements to be considered, after its completion, as a successful and "reference" product for the Interreg MED Programme.